Wanita besi lah konon!

Ady ku(this is specially dedicated to him laa--who is this guy..vely vely special hohhh!),
Dulu mungkin sekarang tidak lagi. Tak tahulah ke mana sudah perginya tenaga tu semua. Tak tahu nak cari di mana! Yang nyata,bila tidur susah bangun! Nak tidur pun kadang2 susah! Ataupun tabiat zaman dulu2 membuatkan tenaga tak everlasting! Cuma yang ada Everlasting love..

hahahah! Jangan marah Ady ku cayang!

Pagi ini agak awal aku mula. Setelah dikejutkan dengan Ky nya 3 miss call(tak jawab sebab aku mandi) dan alarm dari 2 telefon,..Mau ke tak mau aku kena bangun . Kena buka ofis. DO(Duty Officer) aku tak ada! Aku bagi off pada trainee housekeeping aku. Semalam pun sampai malam dia bersihkan bilik. Kesian juga aku pada dia!
GM called me to inform that the whole chalets will be occupied this late afternoon. The guest? From the TBR, the excessed guest la tu! Good for us then! More business with smart style. Meaning? Smart style means only accommodation with no meal arrangement. That's a new term for me but not for all hoteliers. Since I don't have to be a runner!
My Pinky needs to get washed but I definitely want Ky to wash her! I won't embarrassed myself in front of my staff to wash the car...or else send her to any station for car washing! I don't know how would my Pinky looks like after washing. Maybe more shining, I guessed!
I managed to closed 1 deal for the motorbike club to do their camping here. Last night, I got a call for confirmation for the camping site with 160 person but..Saturday is just round the corner, how could I get 40 tents within these few days! That kid is suck, I told him already to pay me 50% and the deal is on, if not sorry..nothing I can help! I won't take any risk to get those 40 tents from Pangkor Island, but what happen if those 160 kids not turning up. Those costing will kill me!
The increasing oil price really killing some of my business. Yes,...it's so true!
'I am giving you a good rate la darling, still you want me to reduce for you..Aiyaaa!'

'Aiyaaa...laling! The customer can't afford to pay me extra for the petrol laa rose..Manyak susah woo sikalang ni! I don't know how we could last with this increased costing'

See! It affected the economy of each sector, not only government sectors!

While, I heard that those bankers around Malaysia would get their increment for the collective agreement since January 2006. Wah..good for you then!
I remembered when I am getting my first increment from the agreement on 1994, got myself a gold necklace(Ady, ianya tidak berkarat tau..masih bersinar lagi) cost about RM800 something..and now it's totally increase la of course! And now when I was so eager to buy some gold 'things', I was totally shocked with the price! Gila banget! I should buy more at that time but ..I couldn't afford. And now...still can't afford too because high living cost!(Minyak naik, semua naik!)
I hate to say this. I think I prefer my time when I was getting RM300-500 per months..Hmm..that was 16 years ago.



Anonymous said…
bluekkkkkk....muntah jap. ahahahahahahaha...sebab akak asyik tido lambat ja. mcm mana nak tido awal kan kan kan? ya ya terima kasih la sebab habaq satu donia i'm vely vely the speciallah. ehehehe takdok org jeles ka nih kak?

org jeles kat Ady tak ada!

tapi kalau jeles kat Akak pasti ramai..

minta ampun ya Ibu2 semua!!!!

*muntah tu buang ke mana..kutip masuk dalam beg plastik then curahkan ke dalam mangkuk tandas...kemudian flush..
berminyak? gunakan harpic, then brush ngan berus toilet bukan berus gigi ya! lepas tu...berkilat kauuuu!*
Anonymous said…
ahaahahah apa lagik kak...solidkan body dengan karat mas. nanti mesti naik lagi rege dia. ehehehehe
SiR KinG TiGeR said…
ros sick ky - Are you?
Saja jalan jalan petang ni dah abeh keje. Ko keje lagi ke? cian ko, tapi elok lah bagi berpeluh dan dapat lah slim lagi , tak payah pergi merrie slimming center ke menda ! kerje lah rajin rajin, nanti pasti dapat beli rantai yang lebih besar, boleh pakai kat kaki plak ..hehe
ros sick ky - I am!

Pukul 12 mlm, baru boleh diam! Tapi malam ni kena kerja kuat sikit sebab esok nak turun KL.
Rantai kaki itu mesti dibeli oleh Ky!

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