Jom and check out This!

This -Silalah melawat ke link tersebut, Jangan lupa!(Ada gaya macam iklan tak?)

Today, I have got nothing to share I guess! It's all routine to my life. Getting up early or late that's normal!

Opsss..I want to share this:

What do you see?
What can you see?
What do yo think?
What do you think that I am going to do after this?

How much is the worth!!

Ada kah ini yang harus ku tanggung sorang2? Aku tak kira,aku kena minta Ky juga! I don't blo
ody care! Apa ke menda aku ni, hari ni!

Aku keluar dgn my D/O and left my house keeping staff Pu3 at the front desk! Pi caghi pakar eksoz,...konon nak welding aja(as my cousin's instruction- welding aja kak long!). Ok, Welding cuma 20-30 hinggit aja! Well, aku pi lah itu pakar! Mati2 dia tak nak welding, dia kata kat aku 'Ini batang besi hohhh sulah manyak leput tau! Wa takut hohhh kalau wa welding manyak kali kena kasi welding. Lu hoh kena tukat itu batang(dlm hati aku: aku kena tukar batang baru la ni..wak lu!)Wa kasi lu mulah aja. lapan puluh aja '
Aku setuju aja bila aku fikir's worth to change to a new one! Am I a good cousin,Alin!!! Sempat lah aku meneguk setin Nescafe sebab dah pukul 2 lebih and I don't take any meal except 3 biji buah prune sebagai breakfast. Kaki aku dah menggigil dan menggeletar! Teruklah macam ni,sakit apa aku ni!
Sempat pergi ke kedai aksesori sebelah tu, betulkan apa kemenda tah..utk aku letak FM modulator yang aku ingat rosak..rupanya aku pulas benda alah tu..terus tercabut wayar. Budak yang betulkan benda tu pesan "Kak,jangan bagi anak akak pulas2 benda tu supaya setting dia tak lari!" Dalam hati :Anak akakkkkk!!!Mak budak ni yang buat kerja! D/O aku ketawa terkekeh2 sambil beritau 'Anak dia tak nakal, mak budak ini yang gatai tangannya'Hahah!
Kat hotel satu lagi, mentapau makanan dan things that needed at my chalet! But I was stuck in GM's office with GM,Asst OPs Mgr and myself the Ops Mgr. We're having meeting to do outstation and again I was chosen to be the one to go to KL and Northern State. And after that we're going to Thailand(sorry Ky,I pi sendiri lah hohhh) to get some good rest! Well, I don't care as I know how to behave myself! And ..can trust me! Whatever, I need Thai's aromatherapy massage! Will come back on Sunday or Monday! But ...I am not sure whether my international passport still valid to 'oversea'! Whatever need to try since I don't sign any agreement or letter with the Insolvency Department to declare myself as bankruptcy! Not sure, will inform later. Try my luck and wish my luck!
Bought another blouse so I could add to collection of feminine blouse to my plastic 'wardrobe'.Ky waited for me at somewhere near the junction to get some food together since he knows that I don't and won't take any meal if I got an argument with him!my D/O took Ms Pinky back to the resort. Ky drove his car and went to a place that I like the spaghetti bolognaise or seafood! Just took fried rice and for him,1 set of black pepper chicken chop! I couldn't say even some nice word to him as I was so angry with him! I don't know and I just made silence! hoh pun tak ,hekkk pun tak! Puaslah dia cakap sorang,jeling sorang,sengih sorang! Aku tak kisah!
Sambung balik perang dingin di chalet and bersidang dalam kereta macam dalam 'Dewan Parlimen'.
Dia balik. Kenapalah aku tak bersyukur ada dia! Tapi aku tension mak cakap dia macam2! Aku sedih sebab aku tak nak dia dianggap orang yang mempermainkan aku!
Tapi aku tak boleh cakap ngan dia! Tapi aku selalu desak dia! Aku geram!
Paling kejam tadi aku bagitau 'Boleh tak kalau u buat supaya saya ni benci and menyampah,kan senang..U buat..u buat!..Dia jawab'U nak tipu hati sendiri napa?'
Hishhh kalau lah boleh aku tak suka dia kan bagus..Tak pening kepala !Tak sesakkan nafas aku sentiasa! Tak boleh ke aku lupa dia! Kan senang kalau aku...tapi dia tu...Hishhhh!! Argggghhhhhhhhhh! Aku jerit ni .jerit dalam hati aja!

Sekarang dah malam and lepas kul 12 ni aku ke hotel Ctawan,tidur sana. And bergerak ke KL,pagi2 esok! Hmm..Kelas Ahad ni kena batalkan laaahh..kalau aku dan melenjan ke Thailand! Macam mana nak kabarkan kat Ky. Mesti dia terperanjat!Hahahah!

Next week plan;
Ahad/Isnin-Balik dari 'outstation'
Khamis- Pi Alor Star,htr anak Ky..yeahh aku ikut tapi yang lain2 tak dapat ikut sebab sekolah
Khamis- Sh dr Kpr nak dtg pun terpaksa batal
Sabtu- Emy dr Kpr dtg ngan family,wat BBQ and blk Ahad

Lepas tu? Tak ada plan apa2 lagi! Cukuplah untuk setakat ini!


Anonymous said…
paip ekzos patah? gile ganaih!
yalah Adyy...peninggggg...kelam kabut ni...

betul lah Ky kata...ini Ady kata ganaih...

Apa pulak Ky kata nanti..mati akak!!!Aduihhhh!
SiR KinG TiGeR said…
ros sick ky - Are You ??

Hai watpe? lama tak jumpa? Miss you la pulak !

Kelana Jaya, Selangor
Anonymous said…

I am always sick of him(Ky)!

Quit busy today! As you don't update ur blog and I have to read about that naughty 'eel'!
Anonymous said…
wooowowowowowwo thai???

nak sobenir!!!!!!!
SiR KinG TiGeR said…
Ko kata ada kat KL? contact la aku boleh bawak beli minyak KY?

Aku pun boring lama tak keluar, boleh lah aku belanja ko makan ke minum2 kat Coffee Bean
Azlinda said…
hu u..sapa la drive smpai patah..spajng ade lesen dah lebih 4thn ni..xpernh bwa kete ape2 pun pth hu,,,gnas k long nih!! drive carefully ek..Anyway,tq for repair it!! Take care as ur car ya!!

Datok zeq
La..mcm mana nak tel kalau no tak diberi. Dh selamat balik pun sekarang ni!

Ma cousin-
sorang lagi kata kl ganas...Ky kata bunyi dia dah lembut aja si Pinky tu

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