Unexpected moment

From facebook entry
this morning was really buang tabiat from me. thanking every staffs for all their cooperation towards all the work done( put asidethe screaming from a person who thought that he is the cow) and deeply sorry coz I forgot to put 'tea' in the work order. Even his boss also apologised to me on behalf of his man! Hmmm..

Yesterday,just wonder how would you feel when you are saying sorry to that 'cow' and ask him to prepare the tea, and he screams you back with some words
'Suka2 you aja suruh orang buat tu buat ni,dahlah semalam buat kita orang macam lembuuu,suka ati you aja ekk' in front of the organiser who called me early morning and made me wide awake just to get that sweet word from that old man and and shocked Ky who was still holding me in his arms..I was like saying 'pergi mam la ko org tua, but how could I do that and I don't dare' its not because the fear of him but...I want to respect myself and how I would manage myself towards this incident. I didn't say that I am angry but made me think how was my silly simple mistake could affect more pressure towards him.Even its only preparing tea!
--to be continued in the blog--

 Sungguh kelakar aku rasa,aku tak siapkan skrip or note langsung in my diary(only about work). Tapi aku boleh minta maaf depan2 HOD semua,and the other HOD minta maaf lak ngan aku. aku tak sangka perbuatan aku telah mendatangkan suatu yg sungguh cool!
Semua orang senyap dan sayu kot.Hahahh Tiada niat langsung..
sebab aku rasa itu adalah silap aku dan orang tua sudah naik angin. Memang aku boleh kata 'Ada aku kisah??'

Tapi sebab aku kisahlah aku buat mcm tu depan semua orang.Dah tak sangka hati dan otakku boleh kawal emosiku.

and pelik the director impressed with the moment(hahah-tak bermaksud aku nak kata yg bagus2 aja) yg agak sayu dan sedih dgn emosi..
sampai merah padam muka dia..

So kelakar sampai dalam hati aku jadi 'Apa hal la aku buat orang lain sedih' dah semlam orang tua tu kata aku buat dia mcm lembu.

Sedangkan itu kerja dia,dan dia patut bersiap sedia sepanjang masa. Buat teh apa yg susah...kalau aku dekat,aku buat..
macamlah sebelum ni aku tak pernah buat!!! Sungguh bodoh orang yg berfikiran gitu.

So apa yang yg dia expect dari aku,?Tak ada sales n buatkan dia dan crew dia goyang telur(maaf 18sx) sikit.

 Hari2 ada aja hal manusia yang tak lekang dari kepala otak aku.

Aku lak suspek another fraud case ..how to blow whistle.,...
Kedudukan aku agak goyang kalau aku biarkan ianya berterusan...no wonder she's so rajin..
trying to build up names and achieved something from our database..What da fak la!!!

Itulah jangan judge orang dgn gaya dan kata2 yang look so profesional.


Anonymous said…
Owhhh...ops..huuuu...hummmm...haaaaaa...apantah nak cakap..hahahha...cool aa Kak Ros
don't worry I am ok..always ok

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