From facebook entry this morning was really buang tabiat from me. thanking every staffs for all their cooperation towards all the work done( put asidethe screaming from a person who thought that he is the cow) and deeply sorry coz I forgot to put 'tea' in the work order. Even his boss also apologised to me on behalf of his man! Hmmm.. Yesterday,just wonder how would you feel when you are saying sorry to that 'cow' and ask him to prepare the tea, and he screams you back with some words 'Suka2 you aja suruh orang buat tu buat ni,dahlah semalam buat kita orang macam lembuuu,suka ati you aja ekk' in front of the organiser who called me early morning and made me wide awake just to get that sweet word from that old man and and shocked Ky who was still holding me in his arms..I was like saying 'pergi mam la ko org tua, but how could I do that and I don't dare' its not because the fear of him but...I want to respect myself and how I would manage myself ...