1)10.57 pm
Dear All, Please take note that I'll be away for my Replacement Leave on Friday,20 May 2011 and will be reporting back to hotel on the morning of saturday,21 May 2011. During my absence, xxxxxxxxxxxx will be fully in-charge of the Kitchen Department. You may still reach me through my mobile number012- 973 3388. TQ Thanks Chef Siong
2) 6.07 pm
Dear All,
Please take note that I'll be away for my off day on Friday, 20 May 2011 and will be reporting back to hotel on themorning of Saturday 21 May 2011.
During my absence, Mr. Shagu (F&B Executive), Ms.Helen (Chinese RestaurantExecutive) and Mr.Maskuli (Banquet Executive) will be fully in-charge of theF&B Department.
You may still call me through my mobilenumber 012-302 3893. TQ
Baru aja nak soal psl function yg dorang cari hal ni..dua2 ekor tak dtg esok.
Harap esok ,aku kuat semngat dgn ego yg positif. Insya Allah.
Dan aku akan tunggu sapa akan tanya psl my wild behaviour ari tu..Aku tunggu aja..