Planning yg gagal..

Sambil dengar Back to December dalam ofis ni,kekenyangan sebenarnya...

teringatkan dua hari lepas OM ku ajak pi Green Ridge. Trekking la tu..
Aku setuju and dah bayangkan peluh2 satu body sambil membakar kalori dan juga memecahkan lemak2.

Semalam balik Mjg,sbb buat kiraan aku perlu balik Mjg seminggu dua kali aja.Elakkan diri dari travel hari2 untuk penjimatan. Maklumlah commitment dah makin tinggi.Source aja makin rendah!
Ky beritau dia akan ke Yong Peng utk kerjanya. So its better for me to come along.

Applied my annual leave and happy to know that my OM approved it with some words 'I can't approve your leave because you supposed to go with us'

I am happy to be back since Raya Haji last year seeing them.

This should be the first time in this year and in this month since there will be second time come back for kenduri doa selamat on 20/3/11. and third time on 24/3/2011 before they off to Mecca for umrah performing.Will be apply another 2 days leave.

See ya!


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