Malam semalam was fabulous moment
Sadly without hubby. what a management lah,tak mau invite spouse HOD,mcm byk sangat makanan yg akan dibaham oleh spouses HOD. Ky a bit frustrated with this management..Well dear, this is not my company,if our own,we will definitely care for our staffs welfare. Do remember it.
The green theme is outrageous. Everybody looks green except some department who really arrogant and showing off their true colors. Too bad that both of my close friends are in that department. Well nothing I could say except just go ahead.
to be continue.
hm,,sambung ke? tak payah lah..:)
The green theme is outrageous. Everybody looks green except some department who really arrogant and showing off their true colors. Too bad that both of my close friends are in that department. Well nothing I could say except just go ahead.
to be continue.
hm,,sambung ke? tak payah lah..:)