High Profile Case!

So surprised with the news at 2 pm this afternoon. Ky call but I was so busy freshing myself.
Someone, one of the lady manager in the island was murdered in her room. It was totally shocked for me. I told Ky that this lady is the second wife of the owner of the resort. Ky was speechless when I told her who knows the first wife was attempted to murder the second wife. Just like that slut wanted to do to me..slowly..Just like Killing me Softly! Ahhh..
I was quit okay this morning. Actually I didn't get enough sleep because of heavy rain at 3 something in the morning. Got lightning and I was so fear of that sound thunder while on the way to the office to switch on the main fuse board. The whole place was so dark with a lot of guest came out from their chalets. I just telling them to be patient since I was looking for the key. Luckily I remembered I left the key with the trainee who was on duty till 12 pm. That was the time I left the chalet to go for singing with my DO and maintenance boy.
I am getting my confirmation letter today! Just thinking of what company will be my new employer instead of the hotel line! But, I think I like this company. And today my GM put my name under his new company as one of his main authority. Now, we are trying to get the tender of managing another chalet..just right front of my present chalet. But actually, I was so afraid that it might affect his performance regarding my bancrupt status. I wish I could clear off everything but I won't pay a cent for that culprit and rascal. Never. Forever & ever!
I stayed at the hotel since the hotel's Asst Opr Mgr not around and I was around there to help him to run the hotel. Well, we have 4 tables of Steambot dinner and I managed to be at the F&B for almost half an hour. then I entered the Front Office for approving some transaction which is not my forte(I like this word). But GM told me that I have the authority to make any decision beside his approval. I hope this could be forever! Insya Allah!


Anonymous said…

makin betambah lah kerja I nanti,..

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