
Showing posts from January, 2020

pangkor jan 2020



Dah 3 hari melanguk aja kat rumah.  Moga ada sinar dalam tahun 2020. Harap tidak malap! Terlalu banyak commitments and now no cash to settle! 


Selalu teruja tengok orang lain yg ada anak2.Bila bercakap,bebel or leter..still anak2 dia akan kata i love you mom, saaaayang mak,kita sayangggg mak tercinta,mak tersayang... Tapi aku?????? Tak da.!!!!.tak ada tau! !!!! When i did that like a mom should be doing...what i get??? You guess???? Aku sorang2 aja yg perasan, people would never feel that...and now I am thinking why should  I be that mom when others don't care!!! And when I told its wrong, people would say..keep on saying for forgiveness of others.. Sabar aku harus sabar..sampai bila aku aja yg menjaga sedangkan depa tak jaga langsung hati aku..yalah aku sedar aku ni menumpang..ya ..bila berdua aku rasa aman

jobless am I?

Left the canteen  few days kemas macam bibik tak reti rehat!  Hari ni rasa rindu tempat tu.. They did pushed me away without giving chance I guessed so.  I am ok with that based on the credibility and capability that I had!  Enough of that feeling either!  Lets focus and keep praying for the best!