
Showing posts from 2016

End of Year 2016

Alhamdulillah.. 2016 tutup tirai. 2017 buka tirai. Moga akan memberi kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan pada hidup ku sekeluarga semuanya. Dan karier bermula kembali diharapkan.

Keep Calm

Sebelumnya ke Sarawak,ada beberapa perkara tak best sangat terjadi. Still keep cool. The coolness couldn't be kept too long after everything is revealed. Its not the first or second time but more than three times. Out of home for three days which nowhere to go but thanks Allah for giving me such  two good friends. Masha Allah,three days had been sometimes to muhasabah diri. The truth is out there . May Allah gives us the love and the protection forever.



Kuching Menjerit

I'm flying to Kuching on 11/16/2016!

Geng Ngeteh

Selalunya lepas 10 mlm,aku dan geng ngeteh akan berkumpul untuk minum teh atau kopi. Dah jadi kebiasaan. Bila difikirkan ..memang sejak kecil dah biasa, ayah n pakcik2 meniaga kat kedai,aku pun duk sama kat kedai kalau x tolong basuh cawan gelas. Tempat basuh pinggan biasanya aku x dibenarkan sebab tinggi..kena naik tong pallet air botol tu..lepas tu lencun baju2..tu yg ayah atau pakcik x.bagi aku cuci pinggan atau piring. Cuma basuh gelas cawan aja.

Royal Belum Trip 22_23 Oct 2016

Teringat masa sekolah menengah dulu bila dokumentari Hutan Belum disiarkan di tv, keinginan membuak2 untuk jejakkan kaki sentiasa tersemat di hati dan jiwa. Alhamdulillah,pertama kali jejak ke jeti Pulau Banding,hati berbunga2.   Misi selesai di Royal Belum, sejarah tercipta dalam hidup ini. Walau bagaimana pun, bunga Rafflesia masih belum dapat dilihat. Insha Allah.ada peluang lagi ku akan sampai ya Royal Belum.

Kempen Vlogging semula

Sedang berusaha memberi semangat kepada bloggers lama untuk terus menulis di blog masing2. Sejak adanya media social yg bertambah2 seperti fb,ig, sudah terlontar jauh.. Usaha sedang berjalan sekarang. All the best.

Tanam anggur

Selepas akhir Oktober,secara sahnya aku menjadi penanam anggur profesional. Rindu hutan. Rindu waterfall. Rindu laut.

Rezeki jgn ditolak

After 4 months,  still feel not happy with thr environment but I guess i am not doing my best to do my job.  Perhaps. The satisfaction is not there even quite happy with a lot of people.  But people might not be true to you.  They can turn around just like a second. Without thinking on the consequences, i following the flow and yet it trapped me. With the situation, i rather confessed without giving guideline and my initiatives had gone wrong all these while. Poor me, i don't really know what is in their heart.  Their hatred.  But do i need to care for it as i am working for the company and yet I couldn't pleasure everyone in the team. And sometimes i do look like an actress playing some acts.. Which i knew from the start that i can't. I have been saying a lot to my heart, that if i couldn't fullfill my own pleasure why should i stay. Life must move on. Here we go, i was on mc yesterday.  To much neck pain and the best part my bp also gone to bo...

Meeting with Team Kitchen


Ramadhan 2016

Sebelum Ramadhan,aku dah benti kerja. Hlari terskhir di hospital,terus ambil half day n siapkan packing utk terbang ke Kuching. Tak banyak bekalan pakaian namun cukup utk tour di KUCHING. Lgpun mak selalu bawa cukup bekal...boleh aja cilok.satu size la katakan.Gerak bas dr Manjung ke KLIA,dari 5.30 pm dan sampai hampir 10. 30pm. Konon aku nak check in la kat Sama2 Hotel tapi rate tak.berbaloi utk aku tidor puas2. So tgulah satu tempat yg ada bangku dan yg penting,ada plug point. DAn ada lg lebih penting,wifi free. Kira selesa la aku dok layan ipad n oppo ku ni.dan kdg2 hopper Sama2 Hotel melayan aku berbual. Mcm driver bus yg ngarut berbual ngan aku n cakap yg  bukan2...jap jap sambung