
Showing posts from 2015

Kerinduanku terubat jua...bila emak di sisi

di Fu Ling Kong Pulau Pangkor with mak,mak ngah,mak mon and few members of rombongan Che Ah. At Old Town Coffee AEON At Lost World of Tambun di muzium pangkor Alhamdulillah.

September & October 2015

With my buddies.

Aidil Adha 2015 di sini

Moga segala2 dipermudahkan oleh Allah s.w.t.

9 days to the end of September

September....lps tu Oktober. Masih busy tahap busy kalahkan PM ... See ya.. Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha. Maaf zahir dan batin.

March 2015

Ini budak yang berumur 6 bulan lebih..Cucu kepada my other half. Consider my cucu la. My stepson's son! Such a cute boy and too matured for his age. I guessed its because of the gen! Macam dah lama aja tak update blog kan. lama sangat2. Being in the marketing team of this corporate healthcare really challenging. Sometimes I just wondering why I need to do all that.  I can't just stay at home..doing for the whole time of my life shouldn't be a good idea. Yes it shouldn't..coz when doing nothing at home..still won't give you satisfaction. long I could stand..I will..this year its going to be 23 years of working life. To my other half...Selamat Hari Polis.

December with nieces & nephew

Me with nieces & nephew,last December holiday!  Stranded in Nilai, car's problem..huhuhuh  Zumba with gang for mini Carnival at working place  hip hip hurray  my darling were so patience n sporting..