
Showing posts from May, 2012

Kerja dengan sepenuh hati

Sejak balik bercuti di Langkawi,mood ok tapi the environment in the office with the staffs is not good.   Not my mood but my other staffs response towards me. While I am not arround,there's no report direct to me at all. How would I feel?I felt so frustrated because this is not the first time ,I am taking leaves. Or else because they got no work to report to me coz they are sending empty report ..or else..ntah lah..satu apa pun aku tak mau fikir..cuma aku rasa they are enjoying themselves.    Somebody must doing her job very all staffs really responding much to her and I am still the dumb here. Or else do my faces look like I am going to die?

Sudah masuk bulan lima...

May is the month that I would celebrate Ky's birthday. I just hope this year gonna be a blast year for him even he's not really in a good health.   So I haven't prepared anything for our trip to Langkawi this coming Friday which falls on his birthday. It was quite a surprise for me because he has calling my parents from Johor to come down to Perak and then he would bring them to Langkawi. My sister and two brothers also joining us.So does my two nieces,Balqis and Sara. Hamka also from upsi will come down to Kampar before heading to Manjung.   Well I hope everything will run smoothly.. Our 4 sons will join us too. Hope I would be calm if anything raised up. Ya Allah kuatkanlah hatiku!