Dah beberapa hari ni sebelum ni,asyik pesan kat Ky..28/4..Itu tarikh yg aku ingat n Ky kata Klinik Kesihatan Hari Sabtu mana ada..aku siap btau ..gi hospital ajalah sbb cuma nak ambil blood pressure reading aja. So without checking on the date from the letter given by the staff nurse on the discharged day,I just assume 28/4 is the date. So confidence of me..made things worst sometimes. And today,28/4 when Ky asked me the consent letter about the appointment. Proudly informed him (over the phone) where I kept the letter. Ky told 'tak ada pun surat tarikh 28/4..26/4 adalah' Dohhh!!! Baru sedar silap tarikh..so dia kata pergi klinik hari Isnin ajalah..lagi mau extend time! That's why I love my husband,tak ada pun dia komplen pasal perangai isteri ni yang over confidence ni sampai silap tarikh... Hm..telephone masing2 canggih tapi tak mau letak dlm calendar apps!!!