Busy with sales call
Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan., Dah dua hari buat sales call. Hari pertama,sungguh teruja dgn good feedback from clients yang kami jumpa.Its Rainny first day learning as sales person,knocking on stranger's door. Hari kedua,aku perasan momentum Rainny sudah agak berkurangan. Tak tau aku nak komen apa tapi that's her job. Aku rasa macam nak tegur tapi dia sepatutnya tau apa responsible dia. Plan to get Kak Zaimah as my assistant but her experience made me low profile. She is better than me and yet ..aku tak tau apa yang harus aku beri. SE lama ,Mai pun ada tanya with Sh,so I also feel liking her..not licking arrrr.. I need someone yang experience. 2 SC yang ada tu ,aku berkenan but Lind still not confident. How to make people confident. I want the confident motivators. My SE now, Rainny still not perform yet and she knows that she doesn't deserve that but apa nak buat nasi dah jadi bubur. At this moment all planning I hope to be true. MOD for this wee...