
Showing posts from February, 2010

Hot Hotter Hottest

getting hot here such as the Sun was so near to the Earth! Is it the doom day just around the corner? Let's Allah bless us in the whole world,Amin!

Mengenang tarikh

Kadang-kadang difikirkan aku ni mengada-ngada. Terlalu taksub dengan tarikh2 yang kena mengena dalam hidup aku. 14/2/10- Valentine Day and after some information I have got ,its not worth it to celebrate it. Hari kejatuhan Islam,buat apa kita nak raikannya. Hari berkasih sayang pada aku adalah hari yang setiap hari yang perlu dihargai dan diingati setiap insan yang hidup di muka bumi Allah swt. Aku masih merasakan kekurangan dalam hidup ni. Ya,aku menginginkan zuriat sulong utk diri aku. Semoga kebaikan aku dapat menebus dosa2 lalu walaupun sejarah hitam tak dapat diputih kan walau keluar air mata darah sekalipun.  Aku menyesal namun apa yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Aku yakin itu. 15/2/10- Genap aku berada di bumi Perak selama 4 thaun. Genap Mariati meninggal dunia 11 tahun yang lepas.  Banyak sungguh kenangan pada tarikh ini. Bday seseorang l;agi yang tidakingin ku jumpa., 16/2/10- Chalet sudah mula kurang bznya. Begitu juga hotel. Boss aku masih tak balik lagi. Aku m...

terhurai segalanya

Kekusutan terlerai setelah aku mengajak Ky ke klinik. Doktor scan dan buat pregnancy test.Nothing! Nothing shows that I am pregnant even my last period was on 19 December last year. And till now nothings shows that my friend is coming within time.Let Allah bless and forgive us.

Received an advise

Allahhuakhbar!     Alhamdulillah,aku terima khabar mengenai beberapa staff yang nak buat aku sampai mati. Siapa mereka tu???Mereka ingat mereka Tuhan ke? Bodoh kalau2 difikir2kan…tapi memang ada manusia yang bersekongkol dengan syaitan yang sentiasa nak menyesatkan manusia. Sanggup ke dorang nak sihirkan aku sampai mati??? Semoga Allah ampunkan mereka itu,…kesiankan dengan perangai mereka itu. Orang yang tak kenang budi. Aku tak nak mengunkit tapi aku rasa membazir untuk menabur kasih sayang sementara kepada orang2 lain yang datang dari tempat yang sama seperti mereka.Tapi 2 orang itu pulak tak sedari diri..Napa dorang rasa cemburu gila2…Adakah aku kacau mak bapak dorang atau kacau buntut dorang??

Loving the nature

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Exploring another new stuff

I am writing using this Windows Live Writer. I do not know how it works but I hope it could manage me to write while I am off line. I don’t know I will try to write while I am offline. It was sweet to see my man sleeping after finished his shift this morning. I have done the chores after quit sometime not doing it.It such a beautiful moment to get all these done. Oh anyway,I am waiting time to check and confirm what is happening to my body. Is it because of pregnant. Last few days,hubby and I had discussed and I have promised him that I would try not to feel so much frustration if the result is negative.   Our niece was so busy talking while we are talking too!   Guess what is Ky doing. Hahah!

Spending My Time

With my man,still not on the bed even its 2.13 am. I love him. As he will transfer to other dept, I feel quit happy even I know that dept will claim of his time more than me. Is it the high price I have to pay after being his wife. Whatever I still feel not complete as his wife not until I could give him a baby. I knew he also want a children,more gladly if its a girl. But we are accepting if that's Allah give us.  Again, I still waiting for the time to know the truth. I have promised to myself not to disappointed if the result is negative. Belum sampai masa agaknya. We have discussed before that one of the tujuan getting married is children...zuriat.