
Showing posts from December, 2009

My Off Day today.

This tembam girl is my nice Safiya  My dad with his 2 step grandsons.  Malu2 konon,lastly terakam jugak..   I admired both of them for their patiences Forever cool guys!

Temporarily disabled

Title doesn't show that I am a disabled person. But I need some times before starts doing crazy things over fb which I have deactivated. I will be come back on Christmas. Actually its just that I just can't use my laptop all the time. I felt like i had to 'fight' with someone I love. Kind of fussing over some things that sometimes doesn't make sense at all. But its kind of great think where you will be able to know about yourself. Testing your patience over something that you had been loving doing them. Then you will know much you love your own self...these doesn't related to all being yourself...your own self. You are going to know who is yourself? Isn't that weird? Yeah..sometimes being so straight over some matters would be dull in your life. Its just me who always love doing adventurous.  Just arrived home after having dinner with Ky and sons,also my father's cousin Pak Long Razak and wife, Mak Long who came to Sitiawan this morning,. Al...

Another 2 days to go

 Those 8 trainees will going back on 21st Dec. I am so happy for them after training them with my hardcore voices for almost 6 months. But I never object to get any more trainees coz I love teaching and giving them knowledge. Some of them are really hard to accept may be bcoz of the communcation breakdown. They couldn't understood whatever I am saying on instruct them unless I am doing their slang.And for me to converse in their language is very hard. I do not want to please them, coz they need to please me...hahah.

Days out with family

Ky and sons. ahhhahah..really stunning faces.